Haus Translation
Clear, precise, stylish
My understanding
translation is a precise and elegant reformulation of your work
into the language of the persons you wish to reach. I will achieve this without
bias or loss of information. I will give insight into your purposes and comply
with your objectives, which are as significant as the skill, the background and
the linguistic knowledge I offer. |
Entrust me with your text in English or German and I shall
restyle it in a tailor-made French suit. Concerned by quality and correctness, I
only provide translations from English or German into French. |
I also review, correct and edit French texts of all types
into flawless documents aimed at publication. |
The "Tariffs" page indicates usual prices for translation
or edition work. Depending on the type of assignement a contract price can be
fixed. Just telephone me, tell me about your needs and let us examine the terms
and conditions of a successful
Of course, all
assignements will be treated in strict confidence. |
« French
has a kind of precision, it is a peremptory tongue. Impressionism was
in France, but nothing is less impressionistic than the French language.
Statement by film maker Raoul Ruiz, in an interview with Cyril Béghin
for the Cahiers du cinéma (October 2010)